Creating a Promise.any() polyfill

A comprehensive explanation to the BigFrontEnd - 34. Implement Promise.any()

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First things first, as usual :)

What is a Promise?

An object that represents an eventual completion of failure of an asynchronous operation

What is a polyfill?

A function or a snippet of code that mimics a particular functionality. Created majorly to provide desired functionality in older browsers which don’t support latest, usually higher order operations

What is Promise.any() ?

A static method that takes an iterable of promises and resolves to the value of the first resolved promise, if not , it rejects when all the promises reject, by combining all the error reasoning using the AggregateError constructor


  • Return a promise

  • Have a counter variable to keep track of rejected promises and an array to store the error’s for the corresponding promises

  • Loop over the given promises array:

    • For each promise, if it resolves, directly resolve the main promise

    • Else, when it fails, store the error at the appropriate index and increment the error counter

    • If the error counter equals the length of given promises array, it means none of the promises were resolved and all of them were rejected.

    • Hence, combine all the errors by passing the error array to the AggregateError constructor to the reject function of the main promise function.

Code Breakdown and explanation

function any(promises) {
// Edge Case: Empty array
if (promises.length === 0) {
  return Promise.reject(new AggregateError('No promises were passed', []));
// rejectCount keeps track of the number of promises reject, 
// which will help us to identify if all the promises are rejected
  let rejectCount=0, rejectedPromisesArr = [];
// return a Promise 
 return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
    promises.forEach((promise,i) => {
// If a Promise is resolved ,directly resolve it
      .catch(err => {
// If it fails, store the error at corresponding index of the rejected Promise
        rejectedPromisesArr[i] = err
// Increment the rejected count
// Once the rejection count matches the length of the given promises array 
// i.e all the Promises are rejected, 
// it's time we reject the main promise function by 
// passing rejectPromisesArr to the AggregateError constructor
        if(rejectCount === promises.length) reject(new AggregateError("No promises resolved",rejectedPromisesArr))

And that’s it, we have successfully implemented the Promise.any() polyfill.

It’s a bit tricky question, so are most of the Promises polyfills. But functionally it’s the opposite of Promise.all(), you can find it’s blog here

A positive thought for you incase you made it till here!

Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly- JFK