Creating a Promise.all() polyfill

A comprehensive explanation to the BigFrontEnd 32. implement `Promise.all()`

Creating a Promise.all() polyfill

Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash

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First things first, what is a polyfill?

Polyfill is a function/snippet of code which mimics a specific functionality.

The major usage of polyfills is to provide the desired functionality in the older browsers which do not natively support that particular functionality.

What is a Promise?

Getting the core basics right is essential to understand the higher order concepts

A Promise in JavaScript is an object representing a future completion or failure of an asynchronous operation

What is Promise.all()

Promise.all() is a static method (a method that is available on the class itself rather than it's instance) which accepts an array/iterable of promises and returns a promise which either resolves when all of the passed promises resolve (while maintaining the order in which the promises were passed) or rejects when the very first of the passed promise rejects


  • Return a promise

  • Maintain an array for collecting the resolved promises and a count to keep track of all the resolved promises

  • Iterate on the given promises array:

    • For each promise try to resolve it , if it does, insert to array on it's corresponding index and increase the resolved promises count

    • If the count is equal to that of the length of the given promises array, this means that all the promises are resolved, so we finally resolve the promise that is to be returned, with results array passed in as it's value

    • If the promise fails, then reject it by using a catch block.

Code Breakdown and explanation

function all(promises) {

  let res = [];
  let resolvedPromiseCount = 0

//Returning a Promise because Promise.all() returns one too
  return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
    //An Edge case, in case there's no Promise present
    if(promises.length === 0) return resolve([]);
    promises.forEach((promise,i) => {
    // Using Promise.resolve(promise) ensure even if the given value 
    // is not a promise, it is wrapped in a Promise

    // promise.then() can fail in cases where the given 
    // value can be a non-promise (eg: string, number, boolean,etc) 
    // because .then won't exist on those
      Promise.resolve(promise).then((val) => {
        // increment the count, to keep track of all resolved promises
        // insert the resolved promise to the result array, at corresponding index 
        // because Promise.all() returns the promises in which they were passed
        res[i] = val
        // This check indicates that all the promises are resolved , 
        // so we can now resolve the main Promise that is to be 
        // returned with the value as result
        if(resolvedPromiseCount === promises.length) resolve(res)
        // If a Promises fails, immediately reject it
      .catch((e) => reject(e))

So there you go, you've just created the polyfill for Promise.all()

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"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle." - Honest Abe